I had a photo shoot on Thursday with one of my bestest friends and her hubs in beautiful Bear Lake. It was freezing. So of course there was not a soul in sight on the beautiful beach. So I let Bernie run free. He ran around like the crazy little puppy that he is. Rolling in the sand, swimming in the water and chasing seagulls. As we snapped pictures he was having the time of his life. I decided to have Tia and Mike sit down for a couple of the shots and Bernie thought this meant play time for him and Tia. He just ran over an tackled her and got her so wet and dirty. She just laughed. That's what is so great about Miss Tia. Best attitude ever. I sure love her. So does Bernie.
That night was good. Dogs are the best. Bernie is always so happy and just so stoked about everything. He's the best furry child ever and my bestest little buddy!
I loved my wet sandy tackle from bern-diggity-dig-dog <3 and i love YOU!!!