
how far along: 24 weeks! yay 6 months! it's sooo nice to be this far into the pregnancy! grow baby grow!
how big is baby: 8.5 inches long and 1.5 pounds! holy crap!
weight gain: 6 pounds.
sleep: sleep has been quite the struggle this week danget. i'm not really uncomfortable yet or anything i just can't get to sleep and when i do i can't stay asleep. i hope this week is a little better!
missing: being able to take nyquill. that stuff is the shiz.
craving: this week i'm on a german pancake kick.
feeling: good! tired. but good and happy.
gender: boy that moves around like a little sweetie all the time. i love it. he's so cute!!!
best moment of the week: i'm starting to look more pregnant this week and not just like weirdly bloated! score!
looking forward to: spending the day up in the mountains tomorrow.
random thoughts:
-the other day i was at a gas station and the cashier was like, "hey pretty girl. what you up to today? do you have plans later?" i totally panicked and just said awkwardly, "I'm pregnant." (thinking duh? isn't it obvious) He's all, "niiiiicccceeee high five! but what are you doing later?" it was so weird and hilarious.
-i love this time of year. we are just enjoying every last minute of summer.
-i'm really excited to see bernie with the baby. they are going to love each other.
-we have 2 names picked for this little man and i can't wait to meet him and see which one fits!
-just when i think my boobs can't get any bigger. they do. *not complaining* (and i know i know, when my milk comes in they will be planets)
-i already know what we are going to be for halloween and it's funny and i'm excited.
happy labor day!