Almost there!!!
And I'm feeling it! Feeling it all.
I like being pregnant so much.. and the newborn stage is such a challenge for me... Which means that most of my pregnancy I've just felt content with being pregnant forever. I remember feeling like that with River too and then the last couple weeks hit and the pain and the uncomfortable stuff comes in full force and it kind of forces you in the mind set of wanting them here... now! haha. That's where we are. I have been in a lot of pain... and really I can tell it's my body telling me to slow the crap down. But I hate resting. So much. hahah. Bernie has been especially protective and will not leave my side. It's adorable. He knows She will be here next week! How wild is that?! It's really hard for me to process anything until it's right in front of me.. staring me in the face. haha! So I won't believe she's real until she's in my arms. It's funny River hasn't shown interest in babies much. He thinks they are cute and then moves on. But yesterday we were out to eat and he was just fixated on this baby boy! Wouldn't stop staring and saying, "Oh cute!" And asked if he could go say hi. He walked over the table and just waved and smiled. It was adorable. I think he won't hate her after all. Hahahah. I am soaking up every minute with it just being me and my boy. He is just the sweetest these days and I know I'm going to bawl my eyes out (in the car hopefully so he doesn't see) when we leave for the hospital. It's a beautiful and sad change to have him become the big brother. But I'm really excited to see their bond form. I'm really excited to see Ryan with her. She is so lucky to have a father like him. Only one more update after this and then she'll be here!