how far along: 37 weeks! full term!
how big is baby: around 6.5 pounds!
weight gain: 14 pounds.
sleep: my dreams are starting to get super weird. i had a dream the other day that my mom came in the night while i was sleeping and broke my water. haha!
craving: pumpkin pie. so glad i got my fix this week.
feeling: feeling pretty good considering i'm 9 + months pregnant. haha. i'm in pain a lot of the time and my acid reflux and nausea are pretty intense sometimes but it's super manageable.
gender: boy! boy clothes are so cute. i've been having way too much fun putting little outfit ideas together.
best moment of the week: this week was so wonderful! i had an appt on wed and i went from 30% to 90% effaced in just a few days so that was such great news. thanksgiving with my family was so great. we laughed our butts off pretty much the whole weekend. jodie was a sweetie and threw me my last baby shower on friday for our family in town and i got lots of good stuff! it was just a really good week.
missing: it'll be nice to bend over and put my shoes on easily again. haha.
looking forward to: just everything. haha. i'm in this like super happy state where i'm savoring every moment of pregnancy but also wondering every day if this is the day that i get to meet our son. it's just so magical!
random thoughts:
-my doctor was pretty shocked with the progress my body made this week. she seems to think he will arrive any day now. i'm thinking we still have a bit but what do i know!?
-i'm going to sound like a brat (because i kind of am ha) but i love proving people wrong. for allred thanksgiving we have a tradition playing sports with all my cousins after dinner and it's one of my favorite traditions ever. i had someone tell me a few months ago that i wouldn't be able to participate in any of the games because i'd be too pregnant. it bugged me because a)i look forward to do this day all year and b) i hate when anyone tells me i can't do something. hahah. but i played basketball and dodgeball the whole day with everyone and it was awesome. i kind of stressed ryan out during it all and felt like i got hit by a bus when we got home but it was so worth it. hahaha
-so i figured out a way to explain to ryan how my braxton hicks contractions feel. it feels like someone poured a thin layer of concrete on around my stomach! my stomach gets so rock hard! it's crazy.
-i can't even believe my due date is 2 weeks and 5 days away. holy crap.
-i have such a desire to walk and walk and walk. my body just wants to always be moving. i feel the best when i'm up and walking around. good thing i have a pup that loves walks too!
-the nesting feeling is so intense right now.
-only a couple more of these updates left! eek!
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