how far along: 30 weeks! Such a huge milestone!
how big is baby: 17 inches long and about 3.1 pounds!
weight gain: 11 pounds. Eek.
sleep: pretty good this week! thank you new body pillow. OMG. heaven sent.
craving: wedding cake & jamba juice!
feeling: good this week. (other than catching a cold yesterday) i'm still able to go on jogs which is so great. my goal was to still be able to run at 30 weeks so i'm glad i made it!
gender: he just rolls around all day long. LOVE HIM!
best moment of the week: people in my life being thoughtful. it's been a rough couple weeks but i'm getting through it!
looking forward to: san fran vacay next weekend! i dread leaving bernie though. sad, i know.
random thoughts:
-fall i love love love you.
-work has been INSANE these days! fall is always a little crazy. i love doing family sessions though!
-people always make a face when i tell them my due date and comment about how crappy it would be to have him born on christmas. i'm 100% certain that wouldn't be the worse thing that could happen people. haha! it'll just make christmas time that more magical!
-bernie has been so snuggly lately and it's just the best thing ever. all those forced snuggles from me are paying off!
-ryan is so good to me.
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