(images by Brooke Schultz Photography)
-you're five months old now! the past couple weeks you have grown SO much! your cheeks are getting bigger and i squeeze and kiss them about 100 times a day.
-i think it's going to be a while before you learn to sit up on your own. when i read to you, you have to be standing. when we play with toys, you arch your back until i let you stand. when i feed you in the bumbo you arch your back or lean way forward. haha! you hate sitting! your favorite thing is to stand up and bounce and move your legs and make your little happy noises. i love it.
-you love bernie. you laughed when he licked your face today and you are starting to reach for him when he sits by you. will bernie be your first word?
-you aggressively put everything in your mouth.
-i'm so grateful for the good, patient, and compassionate people in our lives.
-i'm so grateful for the good, patient, and compassionate people in our lives.
-you loved being in sv for mothers day. you laughed and smiled the whole weekend, met papas pigs and tried red baron ice cream for the first time.
-you loved seeing your grandma and grandpa shurtleff, uncle jason and aunt jessie on saturday too. you light up when jessie's around. i think you guys have a special connection. she was there for your birth and all!
-you are my sunshine. you are such a light in this world. there's so much pain and trial in this world and you give me faith and hope for me and the people around us.
-we are printing some new pictures and getting some new decorations for the house! i'm trying to figure out where to put tony's drawing aunt marie had made for us.
-i'm a very open person bud, and that makes me an easy target (as papa would say) i'm trying to be more careful who i open up to about tony. some people just don't get it. and never will.
-your dad's the best. he loves us so much. we've gotten so much closer than ever since you've been born. and boy do you love him!
-it's been so rainy this month which i love. it reminds me of when me and your dad started dating 6 years ago. it was the rainiest may. he came up to logan every weekend and we drove around, watched movies, and just talked.
-it's been so rainy this month which i love. it reminds me of when me and your dad started dating 6 years ago. it was the rainiest may. he came up to logan every weekend and we drove around, watched movies, and just talked.
-you're so special riv & so loved!
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